it has been a long time since i have blog. i have been kind of busy. and my creativity have not been going to good. i have tried several time to do a portrait quilt and the faces were not coming out to good. i was trying to use application from the ipad to make my portrait quilt and it was not coming out like i wanted it to. even when i went back to photoshop element on my laptop, i was still having problems getting portraits the way i wanted. but i think this one is coming out ok. i was trying to do my friends picture of her son and a coworkers picture and i was having problems. so i gave up on them. and just took a break from it for a while. it takes me longer to get the picture the way i want it to break down into different shades. i am having problem with breaking down the different shading in the face to help me make it into a quilt. if anyone knows of an application with ipad that is very much like photoshop element please let me know. there are a few things that i still have to use my laptop for, like doing my portrait quilts... i am getting use to the ipad and i want to try to use that more because it much lighter than the laptop. here is a picture of what i have started so far. it is not complete but here is what i have done so far. i found the face off the internet. but guess what it still does not lot the original picture. but i like it any way.
i hope you like what i have done so far.
if you have time please check my friend felicia's blog. she is new to blogging but she has a lot to say. her blog is if you have very been on a quilt treat with her you never know what she will do or say. the girl is a lot of fun and crazy on retreat so lets see what she can do with a blog.
stitches for now.
I most definitely like what you are doing. I deem you Queen of Portrait Art Quilts!!!
I like what you have so far. just keep plugging along and it will soon be a super finish!
well hello stranger, I thought you had moved to Memphis or someplace! I like your portrait so far, I think it's beautiful!
Well, it about time you got back to blogging. People were thinking you fallen off the face of the quilting blog. Love the portrait. Still cann't seem to get one finished.
Welcome back. Your work is always so beautiful. It will all come together. Robin
I just started on my first portrait quilt, the shading is so dang hard for me too. In fact I just came from the quilt store with more..... light, medium, and dark fabrics and I'm still not sure!! yours is looking fabulous! do you use steam a seam? Do you use the light fabric and cut out the whole face and then add the med/ darks on top of that? any help would be appreciated.
By the way I'm looking for a photo program for my ipad too. If you find one let me know
P.S. What fabrics do you use for the faces? I am using my iPad and can really zoom in on the face and it looks awesome!!
check out Maria Elkins dvd on how she make her portrait quillt. my technique came from her technique but i just change my colors. my lighest color is my first piece laid down then i work my way up to my dark color as my last piece being laid down onto my portrait piece. you break the shading down by use the posterize button on photoshop element program. i returned the ipad.
The fabric was a panal that had four different color shade. i don't know the name of it. and i have to find some more for myself. The person that i got from closed her shop.
Very, very lovely. Amazing work.
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